Electric vehicles have been around since the mid-1800s, but the greater output of fossil fuel-powered engines has always left them in the dust. However, recent advances in technology have begun to tip the balance. Electric trucks and other electric vehicles are now far more viable than they were in the past, with many people citing the need for more environmentally friendly vehicles. If you’d like to know more about the environmental benefits of owning an electric truck, check out this guide from GATR Truck Center. 

Reduced Emissions

Some estimates calculate that about 27% of America’s greenhouse gas emissions come from the transportation industry. This makes transportation one of, if not the biggest contributors of greenhouse gasses in the country. Electric trucks produce zero emissions while running. While it’s true that the electricity used to power these vehicles can come from coal-burning plants and the like, it can just as easily come from green power sources like wind or solar. 

Government Policies Relating to Electric Vehicles

In recent years, both local and national governments have begun taking notice of the trend towards reducing emissions and have enacted policies to help. This includes incentives geared towards making the switch to electric vehicles easier. Depending on where your business operates, you might qualify for incentives or credits if you choose to switch over to using electric trucks. 

Increase Awareness and Acceptance

Part of the reason why the adoption of electric vehicles has been relatively slow despite being more viable than ever before is that people are simply reluctant to change, especially when they see the current system as still perfectly functional. By switching to an electric truck, you can help set a good example and show others that electric trucks are perfectly capable of handling the same jobs as gasoline-powered trucks. 

Shop electric trucks at GATR Truck Center. Our dealership locations include Elk River and Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, as well as Cedar Rapids, Waukee, and Waterloo, Iowa. We also offer servicing, parts ordering, and financing. We’re proud to serve the great states of Minnesota and Iowa.