As more businesses embrace sustainable practices, electric vehicles have gained immense popularity in the commercial sector. Among these, electric trucks are revolutionizing transportation by offering companies a greener and more efficient alternative to traditional diesel-powered vehicles. However, like any other vehicle, electric trucks require proper maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Below, we’ve provided maintenance tips to keep your electric cargo trucks running smoothly, so read on to learn more!

Regular Battery Inspection

The battery is the heart of any electric vehicle, which is why you’ll want to regularly inspect your truck’s battery pack for signs of damage or corrosion. Make sure that the connections are tight and free of debris. You’ll also want to monitor the charge capacity and recharge the battery whenever needed to maintain its health and maximize the range.

Charging Infrastructure Upkeep

Proper maintenance of your charging infrastructure is crucial for the uninterrupted operations of your electric delivery truck fleet. Inspect the charging cables, connectors, and charging stations for any wear and tear. Clean the connectors regularly to prevent dirt or debris from affecting the charging process. Plus, make sure that all components meet safety standards and replace any faulty equipment promptly.

Tire Maintenance

Efficient tire maintenance is essential for safety and energy efficiency. Regularly check tire pressure and ensure it is within the manufacturer's recommended range. Underinflated tires can increase rolling resistance, reducing range and efficiency. Rotate tires periodically to promote even wear and replace them when tread depth becomes insufficient.

Monitor the Braking System

Electric trucks often utilize regenerative braking, which helps extend the brake lifespan. However, it's still important to inspect the brake pads, rotors, and hydraulic systems for signs of wear or leaks. You’ll want to address any issues promptly to ensure optimal braking performance and safety.

With proper maintenance, electric cargo trucks can deliver the environmental and economic benefits that businesses seek in today's evolving transportation industry. If you’re planning to expand your fleet, visit one of our locations in Minnesota or Iowa to check out our custom-built GATR EV electric trucks. Let us know if you’d like our help with financing your truck purchase. GATR Truck Center serves all those in the states of Minnesota and Iowa.